Rollerski Parts
Rollerski equipment and components to keep you on the move
Similar to any other mode of transport, rollerskis require maintenance. Regardless of how well you look after your rollerski gear, eventually, some components will need replacing. Bearings are often the first parts that require attention. Although most skates, skateboards, and stunt scooters utilise the same type of bearings, those for rollerskis tend to be slightly larger. An additional difference is the needle bearing on the rear wheel, which might also need replacement.
Beyond bearings, this section includes all necessary components to ensure your rollerskis keep moving smoothly. We strongly advise dedicating a bit of time after each outing to clean your rollerskis and lubricate the wheel setup's moving parts. This practice not only provides a smoother ride but also extends the lifespan and resilience of the rollerski components, potentially delaying the need for replacements and saving you money over time.
Some may need to utilise rollerski brakes
A variety of rollerski brakes are available, yet not all rollerski users employ a braking system, as there are multiple alternative methods to bring your rollerskis to a stop. For novices, we highly recommend adopting a rollerski brake system, given the numerous technical elements of rollerskiing that are essential to master at the start of your rollerski journey.